Five signs you need a new car
June 17, 2015 by carwow staff

Jealous of your neighbours? Keep being stranded by the side of the road? Still can’t shift that funny smell? The UK car market’s stronger than it has been for years so it’s time to treat yourself to a new motor! There are dozens of ways to justify buying a new car, but we’ve whittled them down to our top five. They may not all be logical, but that’s not to say you shouldn’t use them to convince yourself (or your significant other) it’s time for an upgrade. Without further ado, here are the five best reasons for buying a new car. If you’re looking for the best way to buy a new car, head over to our car configurator and find out how much carwow could help you save.
1) Your car keeps breaking down
Your car exists to get you from A to B. If it can’t do that, what use is it to you? Take a look at what’s important to your everyday life. Do you often travel to meetings that could make or break your bank account? Are there kids running around who could need a trip to the doctor’s one morning? Or perhaps you have the pressure of turning up on time to pick your youngest up from after-school karate. You don’t want to be late because of broken old car, do you?
2) It’s just too old
An old car isn’t necessarily a bad car but they tend to be more unreliable and incur generally higher maintenance and running costs. Newer cars are immeasurably safer than ones released just a decade ago (you can thank ever-more stringent Euro NCAP crash tests for that), and are more likely to come with convenience and safety tech such as adaptive cruise control and lane assist. If your car is 10 years old you’ll probably be surprised to jump into a £23,000 family car such as the Nissan Qashqai and discover you get a birds-eye 360-degree view of the car’s surroundings when you come to park fed to the infotainment screen. That technology only existed on luxury cars just a few years ago!
3) Your car has a dark history
Cars become such a crucial part of our lives that they always represent a link with our pasts – be that good or bad. Recent divorcees, for example, may have to replace their car just to sever the ties with their partners and move on. This is normal, and we’d heartily recommend making your rebound a four-wheeled one rather than a two-legged affair.
4) You look at your bank balance and swear aloud
Look at it this way – you could buy a brand-new Ford Focus for £18,000 or, for the same money, you could buy a used BMW M3 with a powerful 4.0-litre V8 motor. Obviously in an ideal world, you’d go for the BMW but, for a person living on an average income, the BMW would tear through your finances like a hot knife through butter when it comes to fuel, insurance and tax. Modern cars are much more efficient than older ones and most normal cars are available with engines so clean they’re free to tax. So you could even argue that buying new is cheaper than keeping a thirsty old car on the road.
5) Life changes, and so does the car you need
Everybody has different needs from their car. For some it’s all about efficiency, wheres a family might prioritise boot space and rear seat legroom. A singleton might want a two-seat sports car while they can still get away with it. Like most things in life, your car needs tend to change over time. Someone in their late 20s may have a lot of disposable income, so could run around in something sporty like Ford Focus ST while quite happily stumping up for the significant fuel costs. A marriage and three children later, and it’s time for a seven-seater MPV like the Citroen C4 Grand Picasso. Once the kids have moved out it could be time to head to the local Porsche dealership for a test ride in a two-seater sports car all over again.
Got the reason? Now get the car
If you haven’t found your perfect next car, check our our new car deals page for the latest offers on new cars. If you have, head over to our car configurator to see how much carwow could help you save.