Carwow’s 10 biggest social media posts of 2024

December 29, 2024 by

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Carwow’s social media team have been hard at work in 2024 creating tonnes of content, and here’s 10 of our most popular posts. 

Carwow is everywhere! Now, we’re not trying to claim omnipotence or anything, and neither are we the CIA, but wherever you get your social media feed from, you’ll find Carwow. Whether you go to YouTube, Facebook, Tik-Tok, Instagram, or Twitter-X-whatever, we’ll be there posting everything from drag races to consumer advice to the coolest hidden features of every new car.

With this in mind, here are our most popular social media posts of 2024, with the total views taken as an aggregate of all views on all platforms…

Ford Transit Custom folding steering wheel table – 39.5 million views


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Have you ever been sitting in your car or van and thought: “I could really do with a table right now, so I could use my laptop or eat my lunch?” Well, Ford’s engineers have clearly been thinking just this, and so the new Transit Custom can be had with a steering wheel that flips up to form either a laptop rest for car park Zoom meetings, or — with the addition of an insert — a proper table so you can eat without dropping food all over your seat. Simple, but genius.

Tis’ but a scratch! – 13.7m


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Volvo’s are safe, right? We all know that — the Swedish car maker has for decades been telling us how safe and sturdy its cars are. But HOW safe and sturdy? Well, this social media clip will give you an idea. It’s all for laughs, of course, but there’s a nugget of truth at the centre…

The Skoda Superb is ‘Simply Clever’ – 13.4m


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Skoda’s been doing clever things in its cars for years — the umbrella slot in the driver’s door, the ice scraper in the fuel filler cap — but the new Superb takes that idea and runs with it. And runs a little bit further again. Umbrella and ice scraper are one thing, but what about the funnel? The ticket clip? The one-handed bottle opener? The hammock?! The shoe clamp?! And even the little brick that cleans the touchscreen. The Superb is less a car, and more a JML advert come to life…

Tesla Model X brake test – 12.9m


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Drag racing is fun! Drag racing is loud and noisy and cool and awesome and… oh, wait, hang on. You mean we need to stop at the end of the drag race? Before the runway runs out? Okay, well, I’m sure this incredibly rapid, expensive, electric SUV has perfectly good braaaaaaaakkkkkkkeeeesssss!!!!

BMW = Busted My Wallet – 11.4m


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Drag racing is fun! Drag racing is loud and noisy and cool and awesome and… wait, what’s that noise coming from the silver BMW? Is that a diff? A gearbox? It’s… eurgh, I’m pretty sure a car isn’t supposed to make noises like that. Ooofff, that sounds expensive.

Fiat Multipla – 10.6m


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Dark Lords of the Sith (if you’re not a Star Wars fan, look away now) aren’t known for their car design nous, but even Anakin Skywalker — soon to be Darth Vader (spoilers!) — seems horrified at the terror he was wrought with the front end styling of… the 1998 Fiat Multipla! What do you think? Too soon? Too cruel? Or just pointing out that ugly is as ugly does?

Isuzu D-Max v Toyota Hilux – 10.4m

Drag racing on a flat, straight airfield runway is easy. Just keep the car pointed in a straight line and hold your foot down hard. However, there are more fun, more challenging ways of having a race. How about starting at the bottom of a steep, slippery, mud-slicked hill in two of the most rugged and hard-working pickup trucks you can imagine and seeing which one gets to the top first? Place your bets!

Lamborghini’s Fast and Furious gearbox – 10.2m

The Fast And Furious film series has had a huge cultural influence since the first one came out in 2002. It glamourised the custom car and tuning world. It’s brought together The Rock and Jason Statham on screen in the same shot at the same time. It’s given Vin Diesel a pension. And it’s clearly been getting under the skin of the motoring world’s gearbox engineers who seem to have equipped this Lamborghini with more than its usual share of cogs…

Temu parking sensors – 9.8m

Oh, so your car came with parking sensors from the factory? And they just make a regular beep-beep-beep noise when you start getting close to the car that’s close to you. Awww, that’s sweet. Well, I guess it’s time I was going. Time to back my car up to the accompaniment of Herbie Hancock and his Jazz Orchestra…

Audi RSQ8 v Jeep Trackhawk brake test – 9.6m

Good morning class, I’d like to start today with a maths conundrum. If a really powerful, really heavy German high-performance SUV leaves the line for a 1/4-mile drag race, and another really powerful, really heavy high-performance SUV — but this one is American — leaves the line for a 1.4-mile drag race, which one stops in a reasonable distance and which one almost ploughs off the end of the runway? Show your working…

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